Kindly helps shower sensitive sunburned skin. Use the soapy side for sensitive areas and the oatmeal side to help slough off peeling skin. The oatmeal gently scratches while the rest of the ingredients gently soothe affected areas. Contains Solarcaine Aloe Extra Burn Relief and ground oatmeal
Smells Like: Not a lovely fragrance, we admit! But is WORKS!
Ingredients: Goat's Milk, Shea Butter, Buttermilk, Solarcaine Aloe Extra Burn Relief, Oatmeal, Rose Clay, Vitamin E, Glycerin, Chamomile, French Lavender, and Tea Tree Essential Oils
2.5 oz
We do not recommend this soap on your face or for small children.
Made in USA by us! All our soaps are best used commando- no washcloth! Washcloths don’t need moisturizing!